This is the alpha ship or the BS Dragon-star. its source of power is a crystal that can release the amount of energy equal to 6 big bangs. This ship has a force field that can hold up against 1,000 supernovas. And if that fails the outer layer is strong enough to survive
It is about the size of the moon
this ship holds 48 million people and commanders and one lead team(us)
it has 12 computers that can 200,000 trillion calculations per second
Each Unit controls 1 million soldiers And all of the commanders are split into 6 units
Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Black, White.
there are 8 commanders per unit Each unit reports to there boss us.
each commander 125000
The red Unit they report to the red guardian so each unit reports to the Guardian that matches there color
But most of the Time the Boss/Guardian is gone and so there command the ship them selfs
Each commander has 125000 soldiers under them
every commander has a little bit of there boss/leaders power. the red commanders have the ability to fire bend because their leader is the Red fire guardian
they can act on there own meaning if their boss is off fighting somewhere they don't need there help or command. Being connected to the guardians grants them special ability other them element control, they are masters of all forms of combat and there brain is able to remember everything complete. and have thousands of weapons at there command.
there are nigh-immortal, the only being that can kill them are: the dark being, Omni, and their leaders

This is the outer dimension time does not exist here this is where all the ships come from and where the fleet and Alph ship hid/remain
this dimension exists outside of the multiverse, this dimension was created by the light god to keep things safe while it was battling the dark god
Only people how are chosen can enter this or then we be push back to or vaporized

Other then the Alpha ship there is about 8,000 other ship, these ships are not as big as the Alpha ship there about half the size, they each hold about 2000 fighter jets.
That Equals 16 million Fighter ships
each fighter is piloted by someone on the alpha ship. Each unit controls 1/6 of all other fighter ships, the entire ship is controlled by the Alpha ships AI
The Other ships are called backs
there are 3 typs

this ship type is called
SC The Messenger
it is good for speed and surprise attacks. they have the best clocking

this ship's type is
CS Titan
this ship has the most attack power and amount of laser turrets

This ship's type is the
SC Commander
they have the most defense and are good at regenerating from attacks. there the fast at deploying fighter ships

every ship in the fleet has one or more of this they are space laser they have the power to destroy a planet
the alpha ship has 6 of these on board
Red commanders
The red commanders are connected to the red guardian. they can control fire at will are immured to all disease. for there genders the males are 3x stronger than the female, but the female are able to move/react 5x faster

Yellow commanders
The yellow commanders are connected to the yellow guardian. they can control lightning at will are immured to all disease. for there genders the males are 3x stronger than the female, but the female are able to move/react 5x faster

Blue commanders
The blue commanders are connected to the blue guardian. they can control water at will are immured to all disease. for there genders the males are 3x stronger than the female, but the female are able to move/react 5x faster

The green commanders are connected to the green guardian. they can control earth/solids at will are immured to all disease. for there genders the males are 3x stronger than the female, but the female are able to move/react 5x faster
Green commanders

White commanders
The white commanders are connected to the white guardian. they can control air at will are immured to all disease. for there genders the males are 3x stronger than the female, but the female are able to move/react 5x faster

Black commanders
The black commanders are connected to the black guardian. they can control small amounts of space at will.They are immured to all disease. for there genders the males are 3x stronger than the female, but the female are able to move/react 5x faster

Base Fighter Ships

This is the base look of every fighter ship
the ship si the most adapted out of all there other types and will rarely switch and will stay it type
Fighter Ships
These are the different types of modes each fighter can change into depending on the situation. they will automatically switch to what ever mode with ether help them survive, or gain the advantage

this Jet can launch rockets that generate fire hotter than 2 supernovas
there are over
they can fly at supersonic speed

this Jet can launch rockets that generate fire hotter than 2 supernovas
there are over
they can fly at supersonic speed

This Fighter called Aqua Ranger
This ship is specialized in under water combat
they can fly at supersonic speed

this Jet can launch rockets that generate fire hotter than 2 supernovas
there are over
they can fly at supersonic speed

this Jet can launch rockets that generate fire hotter than 2 supernovas
there are over
they can fly at supersonic speed

this Jet can launch rockets that generate fire hotter than 2 supernovas
there are over
they can fly at supersonic speed