Lightning is very powerful energy source is very hard to control and is very hard to pro dict it is a source of energy that very hard to spot

Yellow warrior
Name : Luci / Liz / Shelby / Gracie
Weapon : Bow and arrow
Goddess : Lighting
Quintessence Force - generates whitish-blue lightning that also contains pure life energy.
Electrokinesis - control, generate or absorb electric fields and shoot lightning bolts.
Activation & Deactivation - turn stuff on and off.
Positron Manipulation - control positrons, the antimatter counterpart to electrons.
Electrical Absorption - absorb electricity.
Electric Mimicry - transform entire body into a lightning-like being of pure electrical energy.
Electroportation - teleport with lightning/electricity
Divine Lightning Manipulation - create and control the brightest lightning.
Black Lightning Manipulation - create and control the darkest lightning.
Goddess Name :Astra
This Mecha can move around the speed of light. its shell is nearly indestructible.
this Mecha really on is controllers power to move at such high speeds.

This Magic Circle can create Lighting anywhere

this suit is the design of the female suit it is spored to look like a female.

Baby Dragon
This is a baby dragon this dragon is very hipper and can only be tamed only by a yellow guradian

dragons reach this age when they hit 12 dragons grow very fast so their masters can ride them faster.
if a dragon dies and its master lives. the dragon spirit will leave its body and form a new egg and hatch
but if the master dies and the dragon lives, the dragon will age backward until it a baby again them it will reform into an egg and wait for its master to be reborn and will hatch again but only in its masters precise
dragons can change the body size at will if they need to hid they can shrink to the size of a bug or grow tot he size of a mountain

This bow can create arrows of pure lightning out of nowhere giving it unlimited amo
There are different colored lightning arrows each color means a different type of attack. Here are some
Red: means then she can change the arrows path any time she likes she can make it curve or go in circles
Blue: It shots up into the sky sending a bright light every blinding everything the in air, except her
Green: it goes up into the sky and then splits into thousands of other arrows then coming down on her target

She is the very first Incarnation of the yellow warrior

She is the second Incarnation of the yellow warrior

She is the third Incarnation of the yellow warrior

This is the forth incarnation of of the yellow Guardian

This is the Lightning goddess. She has the power to change realty at will she can move 100 trillion times faster than the speed of light. She can summon the power of unlimited Lightning bolts
She is one of the ordinal 6 gods and goddess she was there when the universe was made and will be there when it dies