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White warrior

  • Name : Haley/ Hope/Savannah/Coco 

  • Weapon : Spear

  • Goddess : Air

  • Power/Abilities

  • Aerokinesis - manipulate the air, wind, and gas.

  • Aeroportation - teleport using air/wind currents.

  • Air Mimicry - transform into a cloud of gas, fog, or mist.

  • Deoxygenation - suck up all the oxygen from a place.

  • Lung Adaptation - breathe anywhere.

  • Wind Generation - create blasts of wind.

  • Air Generation - create or generate blasts of air.

  • Pure Wind/Air Manipulation - create and control pure winds.

  • Dark Wind/Air Manipulation - create and control corrupted winds.

  • Flight - have the ability to fly at will.

  • Levitation - the ability to make anything rise up in the air and move around under your control.


  • Goddess Name : Azura

this is what it looks like when she uses wind magic or her air powers 

Wind Magic 


This suit is a dampener for her powers just in case she gets out of control


This suit has great resistance to water pressure, extreme heat, high gravity. 


And if need the dampener can be turned off in cases of emergency. 


This spear is made out of complete air that means the user can change anything about it


expect that it can not turn into the other 5 weapons (like a sword)


they can change the density the size the speed whatever they want 




This magic circle allows the user to create a large amount of air. 


Normal this amount would take a lot of energy from the user making them pass out.


It can also mean other things like teleportation or like a barrier 

Baby Dragon

when a dragon is born it starts out as a baby and grows fast into a mature version of its self  



This baby dragon can also change its form to this if the user needs it 


a Dragon egg will wait thousands of years until the red Guardian finds it. the red guardian is naturally drawn to the egg.  



it takes a dragon it reaches its max age in under 4 years. its max age is unknown. 



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This is s a full aged  dragon


dragons reach this age when they hit 12 dragons grow very fast so their masters can ride them faster. 


if a dragon dies and its master lives. the dragon spirit will leave its body and form a new egg and hatch  


but if the master dies and the dragon lives, the dragon will age backward until it a baby again them it will reform into an egg and wait for its master to be reborn and will hatch again but only in its masters precise 


dragons can change the body size at will if they need to hid they can shrink  to the size of a bug or grow tot he size of a mountain 

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This mecha has a part of the user's spirit in it that means it can sense if the user is in trouble


this mecha is located in a  

This is Coco 


She is the first incarnation of the White Warrior 

This is Haley 


She is the third incarnation of the White Warrior 

This is Coco 


She is the first incarnation of the White Warrior 



She is the second incarnation of the White Warrior 



She is the Fourth incarnation of the White Warrior 

This is the Air goddess. she has the power to change reality at will he can move 100 thousand times faster than the speed of light. she can summon the power of every tornado that has ever been born in the multiverse 


she is one of the ordinal 6 gods and goddess she was there when the universe was made and will be there when it dies 

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