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Elemental God powers 

                                                                         All Elemental Gods

Nigh Omnipotence

  • Power to possess ultimate power, with certain limitations. A lesser version of Omnipotence.

The user wields almost supreme power, but they are limited due to a certain element they're missing that limits their power and prevents them from gaining true omnipotence. Despite that missing element, the user wields unimaginable levels of power and can achieve a near-limitless number of effects with their near-omnipotent abilities.




  1. Biological Manipulation: The power to manipulate all aspects of a living creature's biological make-up.

  2. Creation:  The ability to create anything and everything from nothing.

  3. Cosmic Creation: The power to create on a cosmic scale

  4. Flawless Restoration/Absolute Restoration: The ability to heal/mend all kinds of damage, including mental, conceptual, emotional, spiritual, mystical, and physical/The ability to restore anything back to its natural/original state.

  5. Magic Transcendence:   The ability to transcend the rules of magic.

  6. Omnilingualism:  The power to instantly learn, speak and understand any language fluently.

  7. Element Manipulation:  The ability to manipulate an element.

  8. Transmutation: The power to alter the forms/structure of beings/objects

  9. Reincarnation:The power to pass one's spirit/soul into another body after death

  10. Divine Magic: The ability to use divine magic.

  11. Zenith: The power to ascend to the maximum stage of power.

  12. Physical Godhood: The ability to be a Physical God.

  13. Almighty Object Fusion: The ability to fuse with an almighty artifact, object or item.

  14. Cosmic Manipulation: The power to manipulate all cosmic forces

  15. Spatial-Temporal Lock: The power to exist outside of space and time

  16. Meta Matter Manipulation: The power to manipulate any/all types of matter

Elemental God powers

Nigh - Omnipotence 

Nigh - Omnipotence

Nigh Omnipotence

   Power to possess ultimate power, with certain limitations. Lesser version of Omnipotence.

The user wields almost supreme power, but they are limited due to a certain element they're missing that limits their power and prevents them from gaining true omnipotence. Despite that missing element, the user wields unimaginable levels of power and can achieve a near-limitless number of effects with their near-omnipotent abilities.




  • Absolute Will : The power to manipulate all of creation using nothing but pure willpower

  • Biological Manipulation: The power to manipulate all aspects of a living creature's biological make-up.  

  • Cosmic Manipulation: The power to manipulate all cosmic forces

  • Creation:  The ability to create anything and everything from nothing.

    • Cosmic Creation: The power to create on a cosmic scale

    • Life Creation:  The ability to create living beings

  • Flawless Restoration/Absolute Restoration:The ability to heal/mend all kinds of damage, including mental, conceptual, emotional, spiritual, mystical, and physical/The ability to restore anything back to its natural/original state.

    • Resurrection:The power to bring the deceased back to life

  • Meta Matter Manipulation: The power to manipulate any/all types of matter

  • Meta Space-Time Manipulation:   The ability to manipulate the space-time continuum of every reality.

  • Nigh Invulnerability:  The power to be immune to almost all kind of damage

  • Nigh Omnipresence:    The power to almost be everywhere in existence at once

  • Nigh Omniscience:    Power to know almost everything in existence

  • Magic Transcendence:   The ability to transcend the rules of magic.

  • Omnilingualism:  The power to instantly learn, speak and understand any language fluently.

  • Omni-Element Manipulation:  The ability to manipulate all the elements.

  • Omni-Energy Manipulation:  The ability to manipulate all forms of energy.

  • Psionic Manipulation: The ability to possess all existing psychic/psionic/mental powers.

  • Reality Warping: The ability to manipulate reality

  • Science-Magic Ascendancy:The power to have capabilities beyond science and magic.

  • Shapeshifting/Omnifarious:The power to transform and reshape the form of one's body/The power to shapeshift without limit.

  • Spatial-Temporal Lock: The power to exist outside of space and time

  • Superpower Manipulation:  The power to manipulate superpowers.

  • Transmutation: The power to alter the forms/structure of beings/objects

  • Unfettered Body:  The power to live forever without being able to be physically harmed. Combination of Immortality and Invulnerability

  • Nigh Omnipotence Bestowal: The power to grant Nigh Omnipotence or nigh omnipotent abilities on another.

  • Absolute Psionic Power: The power to possess absolute psychic power

  • Almighty Object Fusion: The ability to fuse with an almighty artifact, object or item.

  • Reincarnation:The power to pass one's spirit/soul into another body after death

  • Divine Magic:The ability to use divine magic.

  • Existence Manipulation:The power to control existence.

  • Multiversal Manipulation:The ability to manipulate everything within the multiverse.

  • Nigh-Complete Arsenal:The ability to possess almost all powers in existence

  • Nigh Omnipotence Bestowal:The power to grant Nigh Omnipotence or nigh omnipotent abilities on another.

  • Omni-Magic:The ability to use all forms of magic.

  • Omniverse Manipulation:The ability to manipulate all existing universes.

  • Physical Godhood:The ability to be a Physical God.

  • Power Embodiment:The power to embody power.

  • Quantum Manipulation:The ability to manipulate quantum physics in photons, atoms, and atomic-scale objects.

  • Reality Embodiment: The power to embody all of reality

  • Reality Warping:The ability to manipulate reality

  • Subjective Reality:The ability to manipulate the boundary between fantasy and reality

  • Supernatural Manipulation: The ability to manipulate the supernatural.

  • Superpower Manipulation:The power to manipulate superpowers.

  • Transcendent Science:The ability to use the ultimate form of science.

  • Unimind:The power to be connected with all things and their essences.

  • Universal Embodiment:The power to become the embodiment of the universe.

  • Universal Manipulation:The ability to manipulate everything within the entire universe.

Zenith:The power to ascend to the maximum stage of power.





The user can achieve and do absolutely anything without any limit or condition, including the conceptually impossible and logically impossible, like "bigger than infinity" or "making a squared circle".  


Its one and only wielder (there can be only one in each fictional continuity, hence the "Above All") is fundamentally invincible, completely immune to all other powers, and able to defeat the combined might of all creation and its mightiest beings just by wanting it, without the slightest effort.


  • Omniarch - Rule all things.

  • Omnicompetence - Handle all situations or matters.

  • Hypercompetence - Be absolutely skilled in every possible field.

  • Omnifarious - Take on any and all existing forms, shapes, varieties, or kinds.

  • Omnificence - Create anything and everything from nothing.

  • Almighty Object Manifestation - Create artifacts of nigh limitless power.

Omnireplication - Duplicate anything.

  • Omnilingualism - Decipher and speak any language.

  • Omnilock - Exist outside of everything.

  • Freedom - Be absolute free of any boundaries, even from destiny.

  • Omnipresence - Be everywhere in existence at once.

  • Omniscience - Know everything and anything.

  • Enlightenment - Possess full comprehension of the omniverse.

  • Omni-Senses - Possess senses enhanced to omniversal scale.


  • Complete Arsenal - Have every power.

    • Absolute Change - Change anything.

    • Absolute Condition - Have the ultimate levels of strength, speed, intellect, etc.

    • Life Creation:  The ability to create living beings

    • Absolute Existence - Total control over their own existence.

    • Absolute Force Manipulation - Control, create, shape and destroy all forces.

    • Absolute Restoration - Restore everything back to their natural state.

    • Absolute Will - The power to control/manipulate anything and be totally unstoppable.

    • Almighty Magic - The power to use magic that is able to accomplish anything.

    • Almighty Law Creation - Create and control the law that is unbreakable and is the Alpha law.

    • Almighty Replication - Replicate all powers.

    • Almighty Science - Control almighty/omnipotent science.

    • Alpha Reality - Rewrite the laws of reality without limit.

    • Amortality - The user is beyond life and death.

      • Absolute Immortality - Total, absolute immortality.

    • Boundary Manipulation - Complete control of all boundaries.

    • Causality Manipulation - Complete control of the cause/effect relation.

    • Concept Manipulation - Create/manipulate/erase all Concepts.

    • Cycle Manipulation - Manipulate the cycles of existence (creation, existence, destruction).

    • Definition Manipulation - Manipulate how anything/everything is defined.

    • Destruction - Destroy anything and everything.

      • Apocalyptic Force Manipulation - Control the final force.

    • Existence Manipulation - Manipulate the entirety of existence itself.

      • Primordial Force Manipulation - Manipulate the prime force.

    • Existential Plane Manipulation - Manipulate all planes of existence.

    • Grand Design Construction - Creating, sorting, preserving the universe.

    • Logic Manipulation - Control and defy logic without limit and achieve any impossible feat.

    • Maximum Quintessential Control - Control infinite amounts of spiritual force.

    • Meta Power Manipulation - Create, control and delete powers on an infinite level.

      • Meta Ability Creation - Can create whatever power one wants with no limits.

      • Power Augmentation - Can increase and amplify special abilities to infinite power-levels.

      • Power Immunity - Be immune to any and all external powers and effects.

      • Power Link - Manipulate the power link.

    • Meta Probability Manipulation - Control all possibilities.

    • Metaphysics Manipulation - Control the aspects of metaphysics.

    • Metapotence - Do whatever one wishes regardless of justification.

    • Nonexistence - Completely erase any kind of existence.

    • Omega Reality - Decide the end fate of of all reality.

    • Omni-Embodiment - Be embodiment of Everything.

    • Omni-Negation - Negate and nullify everything.

    • Omnicide - Kill all life at once.

    • Omnifabricating - Invent anything with varying capabilities.

    • Omniverse Manipulation - Control all universes.

    • Origin Manipulation - Manipulate the origin of all that is.

    • Paradox Manipulation - Override the laws of reality, logic and common sense.

    • Pataphysics Manipulation - Control the aspects of pataphysics.

    • Omni-Element Manipulation:  The ability to manipulate all the elements.

    • Perspective Manipulation - Manipulate the Perspective.

    • Perfection (Existential Perfection/Perfection Embodiment) - User is absolutely flawless, perfection itself.

    • Physical Godhood - Break and bend all scientific laws and concepts.

    • Power Anchoring - User's powers are immune to all alterations.

    • Preservation - Preserve Everything.

    • Prime Being - Be the beginning of everything and every species.

    • Separation - Separate/Divide Everything.

    • Singularity - Absolutely one of a kind.

    • Supernatural Manipulation - Control everything supernatural.

    • Ultimate Invincibility - Be absolutely invincible.

    • Unimind - Be one with all minds.

    • Unity - Be one with all and be everything.

    • Universal Irreversibility - Actions cannot be stopped or reversed.

    • Resurrection:The power to bring the deceased back to life

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