Blue warrior
Name : Tucker/Eric/Sawyer/Ravi
Weapon : Trident
God : Water
Hydrokinesis - manipulate and control liquid water and mold it into any desired shape or form.
Aquatic Adaptation - adapted to underwater living.
Aquatic Respiration - breathe underwater.
Dehydration - absorb water.
Hydroportation - teleport across short or long distances through liquid water.
Water Mimicry - turn into liquid water.
Water Generation - generate water.
Holy Water Manipulation - create, manipulate and control graceful waters.
Dark Water Manipulation - create, manipulate and control evil and dangerous waters.
God's Name : Aquis
This suit is a dampener of a sort. it controls it user level of power until there ready to use it 1 million joules of energy.
This symbol creates water anywhere, this circle can create over 300 billions gallons of water

Hes magic is directly connected to his element which allows him to shape and mold water, turn it into ice or even steam

This trident is made out of pure water. that means the user can change its size shape and even make it into a different weapon.
This trident contrasts over 1 billion gallons of water inside of it that means the user always has a fresh supply of water
Only the water user can carry or even pick it up because of the amount of water inside the trident

BABY Dragon
This is a baby water dragon they are claim and gentaly creatures but when faced in a dangerous soaution it is very dangerous.
This baby is boned to the Blue Guradian and can live for as long as it wasntes
being bond to a dragon means if the rider/Guradians dies the dragon no madder how old will quilkly revert back to an egg and will what till the guradian is reborn and finds them
the egg will wait thousads of years for its guradian

This is s a full aged dragon
dragons reach this age when they hit 12 dragons grow very fast so their masters can ride them faster.
if a dragon dies and its master lives. the dragon spirit will leave its body and form a new egg and hatch
but if the master dies and the dragon lives, the dragon will age backward until it a baby again them it will reform into an egg and wait for its master to be reborn and will hatch again but only in its masters precise
dragons can change the body size at will if they need to hid they can shrink to the size of a bug or grow tot he size of a mountain

This is Sawyer
He is the second incarnation of the Blue warrior
This is Tucker​
He is the Third incarnation of the Blue warrior

This is Ravi​
He is the Fourth incarnation of the Blue warrior
This is the water god. he has the power to change realty at will he can move 100 trillion times faster than the speed of light. he can control the power of water so that it can wipe out the universe .
he is one of the ordinal 6 gods and goddess he was there when the universe was made and will be there when it dies
BABY Dragon
This is a baby water dragon they are claim and gentaly creatures but when faced in a dangerous soaution it is very dangerous.
This baby is boned to the Blue Guradian and can live for as long as it wasntes
being bond to a dragon means if the rider/Guradians dies the dragon no madder how old will quilkly revert back to an egg and will what till the guradian is reborn and finds them
the egg will wait thousads of years for its guradian


This is Eric
He is the First incarnation of the Blue warrior