White light is the combined light of all other 6 lights: They are: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Gray/White, Black

if you want to know more about his powers click on the image
Light God form
God name: Spirus
God power: light ( all other elements: air,water,earth,fire,lighting,space)
Known weapons (any weapons imaginable)
Powers / Abilities
Power Bestowal: The ability to bestow powers upon another
Energy Resistance: The power to be highly resistant to energy attacks
Ability Creation: The ability to create supernatural abilities
Space-Time Distortion: The ability to distort the space-time continuum.
Gravity Manipulation: The ability to manipulate gravity
Elemental Re-composition: The ability to combine two or more elements in order to create a new one
Matter Manipulation: The power to manipulate matter
multiverse Manipulation:The ability to manipulate everything within the entire multiverse
Nigh Omnipresence:The power to almost be everywhere in existence at once.
Atomic Manipulation: The power to manipulate matter at the atomic level.
Life Creation: The ability to create living beings
Omnilock: The power to exist outside of everything
Omni-Magic: The ability to use all forms of magic.
Absolute Change: The ability to change anything
This is the white Angel god. its is a nigh-omnipotence Being. this being it the combined form of all the 6 warriors in God Form.
this being is nearly invisible it can only be stop by Darkness as darkness is the embodiment of death. this being is the embodiment of life
One can live with out the other if one is destroyed they will find a way back

The white God has ew forms
In this form the Light God can acuss more martial arts and ways to ue the weapons then anyone an learn in there life he s cause to high reflexes

This a angel sword is holds thousands of weapons
here is a list of weapons it can turn into :